Friday, December 10, 2010

GingerBread House, and a belly shot (10 weeks)

 Of course I had to have 2 evenly divided bowls of decorations ready for the troops!

They really enjoyed picking where to put their own decorations

All done, and looking fabulous if I do say!

Here is my 10 week belly shot.  As of this AM I have gained 3.3 lbs!


  1. Yay! Cutest belly ever! We have never made gingerbread houses, but they sure look good!!

  2. that is a very cute belly shot, and the boys look so big

  3. My kids have been wanting to make gingerbread houses...thanks for the reminder! Congratulations on your pregnancy....I'm 20 weeks along with number 4 and SO excited.

  4. Lala Laura! It has been so long since I have been here and look what you have been up to!!! Congratulations!
