Monday, June 14, 2010

Some Beauty To Share

Yesterday I was fortunate to get done work at 5:00 pm, and not 7:00 pm., and I happened to have my camera in my work bag. 


The beauty on my way home is abundant and Julia and I always say
"Man I wish I had my camera with me!"

Well yesterday I did.  Here is some of the loveliness I saw.


  1. Oh I never realized how gorgeous it is up there. I am planning to come for a visit soon :)

  2. Really lovely pics Sis! Love ya!

  3. I love the pics! I saw that too myself as well on the way home.

  4. looks beautiful. I love those moments when you are driving in summer and everything is green and lush, peaceful, and beautiful. Good catch Love the pics

  5. OMG...I thought at first glance that.... these pictures were something that you had posted... that were in a children's picture/story book. INCREDIBLE shots!!!! You are very good at capturing beauty... at it's utmost.

  6. WOW! Breathtaking. I'm in heaven. These pictures are so beautiful.

  7. Ah, so beautiful! We're hoping to make it up there in August, our favorite time of year to be there. Thank you for sharing the beauty.
