I had a wonderful surprise today...my sister Julia of http://julesinseach.wordpress.com/ informed me that I had a present at her house! I had been sent a lovely coffee sleeve from a mutual online blogger buddy of our, Christina from http://sometimescrafter.blogspot.com/ ! Julia had bought a coffee sleeve that she had been pining over for a while now, and Christina kindly sent one along to me as well! So to Christina, thank you so much, to Jules, thanks for sharing, and to all the others reading this...stop by her shop at the following address. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5709430 . Her work is amazing, and for the coffee/tea/cocoa drinkers out there...keep your hands cool, and your drink warm!
I'm so glad you like it! I knew as soon as she ordered it that you should have one, too! Alike, but different, just like twins.